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Super foods contain higher concentrations of nutrients or vitamins and minerals than their counterparts, when compared gram for gram and often contain antioxidants which work on a molecular level, slowing or preventing cellular damage.

All fruit and vegetables are healthy foods, but fruit and vegetables which possess extra healthy properties are classed as Superfoods.

Superfoods are also usually linked to plants that have a fairly strong value in cultural history, for example the plants that before modern times were not so well known in Western cultures and which are thus nowadays marketed as original food culture.

Chia seeds: Are one of the most talked about super foods available today. These seeds come from a plant called Salvia Hispanica and is a staple food that is used and has been used for thousands of years in the Mesoamerican world.

There are lots of great reasons to eat chia seeds and some of them are because they contain a lot of dietary fibre, Omega-3, calcium and a lot of vitamin C.

They give a lot of endurance and energy, which is good for those who train. Blueberries: Blueberries are also classified as a super food because they contain lots of minerals and essential vitamins, such as phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B and vitamin C.

What is also so good about them is that they contain something called dietary fiber, which means that the risk of getting inflammation in the intestine is reduced if you eat blueberries.

Honey: Honey is classified as a super food in that it has an anti-inflammatory effect and thus can been suggested it can help clear infections. Manuka honey, as well as tasting great, has antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities that may help reduce the discomfort associated with ailments such as IBS, gastric ulcers, periodontal disease and upper respiratory infections.

Goji berries: These delicious berries are classified as super foods because they are extremely enriched with antioxidants, including anthocyanins. These repair and protect the cells you have throughout your body and can be very good for your skin, improving your complexion.

Avocados: Many people think that avocados are a vegetable, but the truth is that avocados are actually a fruit that belongs to a family called buttercups. When it comes to growing wild, it does this around Mexico and all the way down to the countries around the Andes in the south. 

Eating avocado is very good from a health perspective in that it usually contains between 15-30 percent monounsaturated fat while it has a very high content of the essential mineral potassium which is very important to be able to have a normally functioning heart and muscle function. The monounsaturated fat is also very good for the heart, while avocados also have a very satiating function that can also remove the annoying craving for candy.

As if the above were not enough, avocados also contain lots of other good nutrients that the body feels good about. An avocado contains, for example, as many as 18 essential amino acids, 14 other minerals, fiber, protein, omega 3 and carotenoids. They also contain also vitamins K, E, C and B.

In addition to all the above reasons to eat more avocados, it is also the case that avocados can protect against diabetes, heart disease, brain diseases and cancer. This is because all the contents of avocados work together to lower LDL and raise the good cholesterol HDL. It also regulates blood sugar and help keeps inflammation away.